Sunday, April 17, 2011

Something new

Garry has recently built a woodworking shop so he’d have some place to keep all of his tools together. Or perhaps it’s so he’d have a place to work on wood projects. Smile Anyway, he has been enjoying having a place to work on different projects. Building the shop was a major project as he tore down an old house for the lumber to build his shop. He was able to use the siding from the old house, so it looks like an old building ‘grew’ in our yard. It’s a fairly tall building as he built a storage loft on the top. Seems we never have enough storage. Although, at times I think we just have too much stuff. Both of us come from packrat backgrounds, so it must be genetic.


This is a picture taken while he was working on it. Since then he has added a porch onto it. Gives him some outside space to work on some things. Plus I think it gives a more finished look to the building. I’ll have to take a picture one of these days and share.

The something new I wanted to share is a kitchen island that was brought into the house today. Garry used bead board on the ends and the doors, then the top is butcher block type using leftover pieces from our hardwood floors. I’m very happy with how it turned out. Now I have to make the tough decision of what to store inside. But don’t worry I’m up to the task. Smile I couldn’t seem to quite get the right angle for the picture…probably because I wanted to show the sides and the top. I’m sure it gives you an idea of what it’s like. There are doors on both sides which is really nice.


Just realized that also gives you a glimpse of the hardwood floor in the kitchen. Our oldest son, Mark, put it down diagonally for me. I really like hardwood floors. This one being diagonal gives it a different flavor from the other rooms.

Now I’m thinking we need a table in the living room to fit under the window. Wonder if I can find someone to build it for me. Just might be a possibility.

Thank you all for your comments last time. I really appreciate them. Soon as I have time I’ll do what my daughter, Anna, suggested and use Photoshop to put the title onto my header. That should work better. I did that for one of Garry’s blogs, but since I’ve slept a time or two since then I had forgotten about doing it that way. Might even select a couple other pictures and have them ready for whenever I want to change things around.

That’s all for now. It’s bedtime here.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Just a quick note


This is just to let you know I’m still around. I had planned on writing tonight. Then started trying to change the set up on here. It was just taking more time than I liked, especially since I’m a bit of a computer illiterate. Finally decided to let the picture stay as it is even though I’m not happy with it. I don’t want it behind the title, yet if I select any other setting the title disappears. So for now it is what it is. I took the picture a couple days ago. We have been seeing these Tiger Swallowtails around quite a lot.

Things have sure changed around here the past couple weeks. The Redbuds are nearly through blooming. The dogwoods still look beautiful, but appear to be fading somewhat. Trees are leafing out. Our maple is putting out lots of bloom, so I’ll be sweeping the deck regularly for a while. Smile All of the green is such a welcome sight. It has also been warmer…a few days even felt like summer. This week is cooler. Today it rained most of the day. Right now we’re in a break between storms. The second one is forecast as being stronger, so we’ll see. We’re beginning to hear thunder from the distance.

We’ve seen these beauties the past 3 days…Rose-breasted Grosbeak. They show up as they migrate through our area. Haven’t seen a female yet.IMG_2406

  Caught this guy in the Chestnut Oak. Not real clear, but I kinda liked it anyway. And, yes, it’s raining. That didn’t stop the birds.


Also wanted to share my gorgeous May Night Salvia that’s beginning to bloom. That’s Garry’s workshop to the right. Our house to the left.


That’s enough as I’m still hearing thunder. Not real close yet, but… We like to unplug things when ever there’s lightening and thunder close. Losing one computer on the farm (our sons) was enough for us to learn. Smile

Bye for now.