Sometime last evening it started raining. There was one clap of thunder that made us turn off and unplug our computers and the modem. After the time Darryl’s computer was zapped by lightening we’ve been extra careful. Unplugging when we hear the sound of thunder heading our way. It rained off and on during the night, at times quite heavy. We’re not complaining as our area has been so dry that we really need the rain.
Today has been one of those lazy kind of days. For both of us. There’s just something about the sound of rain on a metal roof that makes you think of reading a book or taking a nap. Or as I did, sit on the couch with my laptop a good part of the day. Tomorrow has to be a more industrious day…will let you all know how it goes. I’m sure I won’t begin to accomplish as much as Toodie. It wears me out just reading her blog. She is an inspiring lady.
Snickers, my old lady cat, has been a nuisance at night lately. Not super bad, just enough that she wakes me up at times. She sleeps during most of the day then is awake and ‘running’ around on toward morning, way before I’m ready to get up. Of course, we won’t discuss when I’m ready to get up.
After visiting a number of other blogs I think it’s time I try to dress mine up. Not tonight, it’s just too close to bedtime to start such a project. Oh, and I won’t be able to tomorrow. Seems there are a few other things around here I need to accomplish. It will happen, just not sure when. My daughter will be here the end of December, perhaps she will help. She builds web pages for pay, so surely she could help her mom dress up a blog site…sounds good to me.
Tomorrow the kids are coming home! I’ll be glad to see those 4 precious grandkids, even if it has been just a week. Will also be good to see their parents. It just isn’t the same around here when they’re gone.
Of course, Garry is looking forward to not having to milk two cows. He’s managed fine, just hasn’t enjoyed their short handles. Our refrigerator is overflowing with milk, even with having given Danny one milking per day. We also have the milk from our goats. One thing I plan to do tomorrow is make a chocolate pudding, or at least attempt to. I haven’t made pudding for a very long time. It’s one way to use some of the abundance of milk. So we’ll see.
Perhaps this is enough for now. See you all tomorrow if things go as planned.